Hur använder man unicode-tecken i Windows kommandorad
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I have correctly configured the header on the origin server to Content-Type: text/html; charset=Windows-1252 and have tried purging the cache, but that makes no difference to Cloudflare. It works just Windows-1252 code page. Windows-1252 (legacy, Western Europe) is a 8-bit single-byte coded character set. This Windows code page is similar to ISO-8859-1. Hex to decimal converter. The code page above has hexadecimal numbers, use this tool to convert to decimal: This handy reference lists the common patterns that indicate a UTF-8/Windows-1252 encoding problem.
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while iso-8859-1-chars encoded by 1 byte, because unicode is ascii-compatible and moreover iso-8859-1-compatible encoding (first 128 characters, 00-7F - ASCII-chars, and first 256 characters there, 00-FF - this is latin-1 characters). So there is better to use iso-8859-1 instead of windows-1252, to encode bytes as string and decode string into I verified that when the page is requested normally through Cloudflare that what looks like a UTF-8 byte order marker (or whatever this is: �) is being inserted in place of ANSI characters. I have correctly configured the header on the origin server to Content-Type: text/html; charset=Windows-1252 and have tried purging the cache, but that makes no difference to Cloudflare. It works just Windows-1252 code page. Windows-1252 (legacy, Western Europe) is a 8-bit single-byte coded character set.
Windows-1252 - Windows-1252 -
It is also referred to as Latin-1. It was originally developed by the ISO, but later jointly maintained by the ISO and the IEC. Windows CP 1252 is derived from ISO 8859.1. Windows-1252 code page. Windows-1252 (legacy, Western Europe) is a 8-bit single-byte coded character set.
vti_encoding:SR utf8-nl vti_timelastmodified:TR 26 Oct 2011
Recently, I have been working on an age-old problem. When importing data from a third-party system, characters are showing up incorrectly. A common problem is that many people (and the software they write) think that Windows uses Latin1. It doesn’t, it uses Windows-1252. If you accept messages written on Windows, using the Windows-1252 code page, and throw them out on the wire as ISO-8859-1 what you end up with is not quite right. ISO 8859-1 tai epävirallisesti Latin-1 on tietokoneissa ja tietoliikenteessä käytettävä merkistö, joka on laadittu erityisesti länsieurooppalaisia kieliä silmällä pitäen.Se on ensimmäinen ja suomalaisittainkin käytännössä tärkein ISO- ja IEC-järjestöjen virallistamista kieliryhmittäisistä 8859-sarjan merkistöstandardeista.Latin 1 toimii esimerkiksi verkkosivujen Allowed values are typical strings passed over the interface as Internet character set names (for example, "iso-8859-1", "Windows-1252", and so on).
Mapping Microsoft® Windows Latin-1 (Code Page 1252), a superset of ISO 8859-1, onto Unicode in CP1252 order. ISO/IEC 8859-1, méně formálně ISO 8859-1 nebo ISO Latin-1 je osmibitová znaková sada používaná pro západoevropské jazyky, kterou vyvinula organizace Ecma International a publikovala jej spolu s Latin-2, Latin-3 a Latin-4 jako ECMA-94. Vývoj a udržování standardu později převzala Mezinárodní organizace pro normalizaci (ISO) společně s Mezinárodní elektrotechnickou komisí
You often see Microsoft Windows users (check out my code page survey) announcing their texts as being in ISO-8859-1 even when in fact they contain funny characters from the CP1252 superset (and they may become more since Microsoft has also added the Euro to their code pages), so here you have a Unix font for them: charset=Windows-1252
Anyway, if we split the ISO-8859-1 decoder (currently, it's Windows-1252 decoder ) into two, Windows-1252 decoder and ISO-8859-1 decoder, we may interpret ISO-8859-1 strictly for pages in standard mode.I have no idea as to the number of pages that will break with this change, but applying the strict interpretation only to standard mode will significantly reduce the number.
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So there is better to use iso-8859-1 instead of windows-1252, to encode bytes as string and decode string into I verified that when the page is requested normally through Cloudflare that what looks like a UTF-8 byte order marker (or whatever this is: �) is being inserted in place of ANSI characters. I have correctly configured the header on the origin server to Content-Type: text/html; charset=Windows-1252 and have tried purging the cache, but that makes no difference to Cloudflare.
ISO-8859-1. The following table contains the ISO-8859-1 character set (the character set used for HTML 4.0 and XHTML 1.0). The table shows each character, its decimal code, its named entity reference for HTML plus a brief description. To add these characters to an HTML page you can use the decimal number or the HTML entity reference, e.g.
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ISO/IEC 8859-1 – Wikipedia
we have reference equality (same string object) vs. value equality (same value),&nbs Windows-1252 Characters to UTF-8 Bytes to Latin-1 Characters Here's, a string encoded as ISO-8859-1 (also known as “Latin1”) with a special character. Let's review the original, correct bytes vs.
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vti_encoding:SR utf8-nl vti_timelastmodified:TR 26 Oct 2011
Jan 31, 2019 It is very common to mislabel Windows-1252 text with the charset label ISO-8859- 1. [] Most modern web browsers and e-mail clients treat the 1. What is encoding?