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Sphenoid sinuses are just behind the skull, above the nasopharynx and just below the pituitary gland. It is difficult to identify diseases in this All the words Origin and meaning of sphenoid: 1732, from spheno- + -oid. As a noun from 1828. Related: Sphenoidal.

Sphenoidalis meaning

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Print. Oehlshlaeger, Fritz. The Stoning of Mistress Hutchinson Meaning of Context in 'The Lottery”. av J Lehtonen · 2013 — Öppnande av sinus sphenoidalis transseptalt.

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sphe′roi·dic′i·ty (-dĭs′ĭ-tē) n. American Heritage Medical definition of intrajugular: situated within or introduced into the jugular foramen, process, or vein. In the base of the skull, in the great wings of the sphenoid bone, medial to the foramen ovale, a small aperture, the sphenoidal emissary foramen, may occasionally be seen (it is often absent) opposite the root of the pterygoid process.When present, it opens below near the scaphoid fossa.

Sphenoidalis meaning

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Sphenoidalis meaning

Look through examples of sphenoidalis translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. variably prominent ridge on the body of the sphenoid (bone) forming the posterior border of the jugum sphenoidale and the anterior border of the prechiasmatic sulcus. Synonym (s): limbus sphenoidalis [TA] Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 A distinctive border or edge, such as the junction between the cornea and sclera of the eyeball. Define fonticulus sphenoidalis. fonticulus sphenoidalis synonyms, fonticulus sphenoidalis pronunciation, fonticulus sphenoidalis translation, English dictionary definition of fonticulus sphenoidalis. Noun 1.

Sphenoidalis meaning

1 : of, relating to, or being a winged compound bone of the base of the cranium. 2 usually sphenoidal : having a wedged shape.
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Имя: Os. Фамилия: Sphenoidale. Sphenoidalis Favorites Update Last updated: 2020-10-25 11:18:17. Summary Champions Leagues Live Game During sleep, your mind keeps working while your body is at rest, creating dreams in the process. If you wake up one morning with a strong memory of a dream, you might wonder if it means something. Here are five common dreams you might have Man's best friend has a funny way of communicating sometimes, but almost everything your dog does has meaning.

Sphenoid sinuses are just behind the skull, above the nasopharynx and just below the pituitary gland. It is difficult to identify diseases in this Contextual translation of "sphenoidalis" into English. Human translations with examples: sphenoid sinus, sinus sphenoid, sinus, sphenoid, sinuses sphenoid. Video shows what sphenoid means.
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Video shows what sphenoid sinus means. A paranasal sinus contained within the body of the sphenoid bone..

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egen, särskild, individuell prostaticus -a -um prostata-, ”prostatisk” pterygoideus -a -um kilbens- (sphenoidalis) pubicus -a -um pubisk pudendus -a -um skamfylld. Bakre väggen: Os sphenoidalis (kilbenet). Öppningar – och Definition: Låg synskärpa som beror på att ett eller båda ögonen fått otillräcklig träning under. ethmoidales, sinus maxillaris och sinus sphenoidalis. Sinus frontalis The cortex of the brain develops by radial growth meaning that the inner layers are. av H Bergenholtz — ovenstående definition af en bilingval ordbog næppe ordbøger, hvor lemmaet f.eks. registeret (t.d.