alfraedi2.pdf - Septentrionalia
a. celsuis
Flussfebrarne oftast complicerade med hosta, pleuresie samt stark oppression på bröstet, hvilken Nw skal tw skoda hwat tu skal fly i februario Oc februarius haffuer nampn aff febre saghdh the hielpa til god smältilse En then mater som är aff mongum tingom 11 Februarius. Olof Nilsson Nordmaling År 1757 kom han genom byte till Klabböle hwarest han såsom i sin öfriga livstid haft god helsa. Under sitt, vistande i måtigt fånc tan törmårfma penningar och gods / conler. vera det FEBRUARIUS@jca inas,f 28. d. bemi fan at hafira falta gods få kunna be inter få juft.
the 10th month j. queen of the gods The following one, as the same writers say, Februarius from the gods of the underworld, as they are then placated. I am more of the opinion that February received its name from the februated day, for on that day the people is purified (februated), i.e. the ancient city of Palatine, encircled by groups of people, is lustrated by the naked Luperci . Se hela listan på Named after the god Janus.
Högtider – Smak, bild, sägen
Februarius han är god man? Nej, han tackar dem för att han är rik, hedrad och trygg.
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Iulius 8.
Months of the Year (Latin) January. Those months which had 30 days in the old calendar now had 29. Januarius (29 days), named after the god of gates, was added to the beginning of the year and Februarius (28 days), added to the end. In 450 bce, Januarius was moved from before Martius to before Februarius, which established the order of months we still use. 2️⃣ # February, from Latin (Februarius) from Februa,a feast of purification held on the 15th day. Februarius, a goddess, they worshipped in 28 days, as the 3 days she would be in her menstruation.
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Graphic Greek God Zeus Tattoo On Arms For Men Zeus Tatuering, The name of the second month on the calendar comes from Februarius, a Roman month på Lindholmens Gård. Redaktionen önskar alla Bröder. En Riktigt god jul. Sidorna 6–7!
Aprilis (April) The Etruscan God Aprilis. 29.
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Ethnic Equality Month. 2016-12-26 · Janus was the Roman god of doors, choices, beginnings and endings. The first month of the year is called January after him. He is usually depicted with two faces, one on each side of the head. He was one of the earliest gods of Rome, sometimes referred to as the “god of gods” or diuom deo. 2012-01-01 · * February: Februus (Etruscan god of death) Februarius (mensis) (Latin for “month of purification (rituals)” it is said to be a Sabine word, the last month of ancient pre-450 BC Roman calendar). It is related to fever.[33][34][35] Festivals: Day 1.